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  • Chapels – Weekly chapels are essential to our students' spiritual development. Chapel services every Friday are divided by grades: K-2, 3-4, 5-6, and Junior High. Chapels include a time of worship and prayer along with age-appropriate messages from one of our teachers, administrators, youth pastors, and other Christian leaders. Parents are welcome to join us for chapel.

  • Character Development – To become more like Jesus Christ, we desire to help our students develop Godly character traits. Teachers incorporate discussions and activities into classroom lessons, Bible study, and as part of weekly chapel messages.  

  • Bible – In addition to being integrated into every aspect of our daily learning, all students study the Bible daily as part of a Bible class. 

  • Prayer Time – Students pray daily in class. They are encouraged to share with their teachers and classmates and bring their prayer, praise, and thanksgiving before God.

  • Missions – Students learn to use their God-given talents to help others locally and worldwide. We participate in various schoolwide and grade level mission projects. Such as volunteering at food pantries, supporting orphanages in Haiti and Kenya, adopting and supporting troops, and partnering with Free Wheel Chair Mission. Serving others is an integral part of who we are at MVCS.