
Alison Conrad earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from Concordia University in Irvine. Prior to becoming MVCS’s junior high Bible teacher, she served for over 10 years in junior high and high school youth ministry.  She loves teaching her students about the Bible and how it is a unified story about Jesus from start to finish!  She is passionate about helping young people build a relationship with Jesus through God’s word and encouraging them to be a light for Him in their community.  She has a heart for the junior high age- she loves witnessing their growth and development at this stage, combined with their wit and weird humor!

Mrs. Conrad’s home church is Mount of Olives Church in Mission Viejo. Her favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” She loves this reminder from Paul that God calls us to kindness and forgiveness toward our neighbor, noting that it reflects the ultimate kindness shown to us through the work of Jesus. 

Mrs. Conrad married her husband, Matt, in 2005. Their three children are all a part of the MVCS family- Katie is an MVCS alum and high school freshman, Will is in 6th grade, and Kennedy is in 5th grade. The family has a "big, goofy" Goldendoodle dog named Goldie. Mrs. Conrad and her family love camping, hiking, and exploring together. She also enjoys photography and teaches a junior high photography elective at MVCS!